Factor and Items

Eigen Value

Variance/Factor Loading

Mean (SD)


1) Social and Cognitive Explanations



4.18 (1.06)


Narcissism can be caused by parenting styles such as excessive pampering and extremely high expectations.


Narcissism can be caused by learning narcissistic behaviours from parents.


Narcissism can be caused by distorted cognitions.


Narcissism can be caused by disruptions to the attachment process with the primary caregiver.


Narcissism can be caused by a lack of opportunity to gain approval from parents.


Narcissism is caused by society’s approval of boasting about our accomplishments and status.


2) Genetics and Early Negative Events



3.56 (1.30)


Narcissism is hereditary and therefore genetic.


Narcissism is caused by physical/mental abuse as a child/adolescent.


3) Negative Feelings



3.86 (1.26)


Low self esteem causes narcissistic traits.


Anxiety causes narcissism.


Non Loading Items

Narcissism is caused by purely environmental/social factors.

Narcissism is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.